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Ph.D. (Cantab), LL.M Adv. (Leiden), Magister Jur. (Sofia)

Dr Yotova is Fellow and Director of Studies in Law at Gonville and Caius College, and an Affiliated Lecturer with the Faculty of Law at the University of Cambridge. She also is a fellow at the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, a member of the Centre for European Legal Studies, the Cambridge Centre for Law, Medicine and Life Sciences, and a Visiting Professor at McGill University.

She is a director of the Forum for International Conciliation and Arbitration. She founded the Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law with Andrew Sanger, and convened its Inaugural Conference in 2012. She has great enthusiasm for the practice of public international law and investment arbitration.

Rumiana's publications center around international communitarian norms and their legal effects in different regimes. She has experience, through her support of Professor James Crawford of cases before the International Court of Justice (including Georgia v Russia; Costa Rica v
Nicaragua and Croatia v Bosnia and Herzegovina), in which she assisted in the drafting of memorials and oral pleadings. She was involved in investment arbitrations and contract-based disputes involving a State entity. She researched and drafted expert opinions for the benefit of States and corporations appearing before arbitral tribunals (including in the Yukos v Russia arbitrations and in Chevron v Ecuador before the PCA), the CJEU (in the Kadi II case), and before US and UK courts (for example in Talisman v Presbyterian Church of Sudan before the US Supreme Court).

Rumiana completed her PhD in Cambridge under the supervision of Prof. James Crawford and assisted him with cases before the ICJ and arbitral tribunals as his Research Associate. Prior to this, she spent time at the Secretariat of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, the European Commission in Brussels and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea.

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