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At Thomas More Chambers, we offer two types of pupillage: twelve-month pupillages and mini-pupillages. From time to time we also take on probationary tenants (previously known as third-six pupils). Further details about our pupillages, and our policy in respect of probationary tenants, including the applications process, may be found in our Pupillage Handbook.

Twelve-month pupillages

When choosing our pupils, we look for intellectual ability, commitment to practice at the independent Bar, and an interest in the spread of work available in Chambers. Pupillage at Thomas More Chambers is rigorous and intellectually demanding, and our aim is to develop first-class advocates.

We are currently offer one 12 month pupillage, funded by way of an award of at least £25,000 in the non-practising period, and combined guaranteed earnings of at least £15,000 during the practising period. Up to £5,000 of the award can be drawn down during the period of vocational training. In addition, we also pay for all travel expenses to court, and the cost of any compulsory courses which are undertaken during the course of the twelve-month pupillage.

Our pupillage is advertised through the Pupillage Gateway.

Probationary Tenants (Third-six pupils)

From time-to-time, we may have vacancies for Probationary Tenants. All such vacancies are advertised on the Bar Council’s website.


Mini-pupillages are designed to offer an insight into life at the independent Bar and Thomas More Chambers for those interested in a career as a barrister. We offer a limited number of mini-pupillages which are available on a first-come-first-served basis. Due to the sensitive nature of our work, applicants must be at least 18 years of age.

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